
Splitting up the website

If you're a regular reader of our blogs, you'll discover this week that things aren't where they used to be.

The site was simply getting too diverse to run as a single entity. The photography side was getting mixed up with the marine side, and our crusing logs (which we like to keep strictly non-commercial) needed some distance from our marine business.

So we've split it up. Photo.marsh-design.com will host our professional photography business, while the boat design side moves to Marine.marsh-design.com. The "ramblings of a techie" and sustainable development sections are now at Tech.marsh-design.com and, for the on-the-water crowd, our cruising logs are at Boating.marsh-design.com.

Repairing missing background images in Drupal 6

If you're wondering why the appearance of this site has changed 27 times since yesterday, well, we've been doing some troubleshooting.

I'm still not quite sure how it started, but the custom theme files that give this site its appearance somehow got corrupted last night. This resulted in the site displaying with no background images at times (so everything showed up on white), and no CSS at other times (so it looked like browsing in Mosaic, circa 1994).

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